Chirp! Bark! Hey!

Funny plural system made of a murder chicken, a murder dog, and just some guy talk about their life.

The Residents!

Max Biscuit-Machina | Prehistoric Chicken

Heya! I'm Max (he/they), gateway-keeper for the system and the original body-keeper! I'm a Velociraptor person, specifically a wereanimal who lives in ridiculous harmony with my raptorself (it/its), which is like a moderately annoying tamed house bird.

I'm both a human and nonhuman animal, and on the human side I'm Asian American, queer, and neurodivergent. I started calling myself a raptor sometime in 2018, the actual date is lost to time, and settling on that identity took a lot of questioning my experiences and bouncing around with different labels - at one point I was questioning an actual chicken, and what stopped me was the long tail and the hand claws.

The system stuff started August 16, 2022, when they walked in, were great fun but messed with my brain RAM, walked out again, and then kept doing that sorta thing. Minus the memory issues, that seems to be something I got a hang of pretty quick. It's interesting, and something I wanna write about eventually!

In things that aren't related to alterhumanity, I like creative writing and drawing, literary/character analysis, and learning about the human body! (Biology is cool, y'all!)

Jude Rook-Machina | Human Android ft. Dog Vibes

Hi, I'm Jude (they/them), local android, former murderbot! I'm an OC fictive from a heavily canon-divergent version of Detroit: Become Human called Detroit, Machina, where the RK line are deviant hunters, the deviant hunting is company-sanctioned murder, and I'm one of those new deviant hunters, sent out with a knife and a handler and the promise that failure means you're unworthy of the love of everything you hold dear. So I have a knife, and trauma, which I'm going to talk about actually because it's really bad to keep it all pent up and I wanna do something about it.

On a less fucked up note, I'm human because I said so, a black pointy-eared dog for narrative reasons, and my gender is nonbinary and basically mutt, in the sense that I'm doing what works for me and it's really not matching a pedigree. I'm also an aromantic bisexual! I'm doing my best out here and it's mostly working, I think.

Things I like include (but aren't limited to): talking, walking, the cutting board part of cooking, weighted blankets, chew toys, writing, kink, and being annoying (affectionate)

Gavin Reed-Machina | Just A Normal Human Guy

Hey, I'm Gavin (he/him), and I'm the only completely human guy here, so you get to hear about my unique Everyman experiences! I'm also a fictive, dropped in from the same universe as Jude - which means yes, my name is Gavin Reed, no, I'm not that asshole from the video game I've never played. I'll probably spend time here talking about my life and feelings and all that jazz, because I've been to therapy before and my therapist told me journaling is fantastic, and unfortunately she's right.

If we're disclosing identity labels, I'm a transsexual fag (or a gay man, in polite company). I'm neurodivergent in ways that make me funny and maybe a bit worse than normal. I'm mixed race, and I have an older brother who's sometimes great and sometimes really annoys me. His name's Elijah, you may or may not have heard of him - I'll talk about him sometime, probably.

Some things I like include indie rock music, Hozier, TTRPG streams, The Magnus Archives, and Disco Elysium. Probably gonna update as time goes on, I need more interests.

Jude's my partner - sometimes I'll call them my boyfriend or vice versa - and they're adorable. Fucking murderbot wants cuddles while I'm writing my intro. (Love ya. 💚)

Last and most importantly, I have three cats. Their names are Jack, Lucy, and Buttercup. Sometimes they're called Jackass, Lucifer, and Buttercup. (Buttercup, for one, has never done anything wrong in his dumb little life.) I'd pay cat tax and show them to y'all, but they aren't corporeal in this world, so you're just gonna have to trust me when I say they're adorable menaces to society and I could not be prouder.

The Guests!

Elijah Kamski

Gavin's older brother, the creator of androids and former CEO of Cyberlife. You might look at that and think he's an asshole. Well, no, he's genuinely a really nice person, he just visits sometimes to annoy Gavin. He has a ton of houseplants (a good many rescued from Gavin's housecats, nowadays) and lives with his queerplatonic partner, Chloe, somewhere out of Detroit.

Connor Rook

Jude's twin brother. Mostly visiting to annoy Gavin, and sometimes Jude as well. He doesn't technically own a dog, but his old middle-aged roommate/friend does, and they live together, so Sumo is also his dog now. Co-parenting.

Tina Chen

One of Gavin's best friends, mostly visiting to annoy Gavin. (You see a theme here?) She has a pet ball python, named Anime because "she has the biggest shiny puppy anime eyes, it only made sense."

Travis Rook

Jude's older brother. He's an RK700, not the same kind of murderbot as Jude and Connor, but he's been cajoled into siblinghood anyway. He's kind of a coolly enigmatic jackass to Max and Gavin, but Jude calls him their favorite brother with incredible amounts of bias, so he comes by sometimes :P